Welcome to our new website!


Welcome to POWER NOT PITY, where we explore the lives of disabled people of color everywhere! Through storytelling, commentary and analysis, the podcast aims to amplify the lived experiences and perspectives of disabled people. In an effort to break down the systemic barriers that keep disabled people of color silenced, this show serves as a vehicle to dismantle ableism with grace, humor and downright determination. So... “What’s your disabled power?”

About the host:

Maxwell Joy Moore (​pronouns: ​ze/they) is a ​podcaster, poet, and ​political agitator with a fierce desire to change the way disabled people of color are ​regarded in mass media.​ ​As the Executive Producer of POWER NOT PITY, a podcast about the lives of disabled people of color, Maxwell ​has contributed words and audio to many conversations about disability, race and gender within the podcasting industry and beyond. Zir work has been featured in Forbes Magazine, The Nation and Disability Visibility Project with a addition in NYU Press’, Crip Authorship anthology. Maxwell is and will always be a proud Jamaican-American, queer, trans non-binary, disabled alien-prince from The Bronx.


A photo of Maxwell smirking at the camera. Ze is positioned in front of the moon, a starry sky and a winding road.